Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lake-Birthday-Family Reunion

I had the pleasure at being out at the lake with the Montgomery and Ostrynski to celebrate their mother's _ _ birthday! Beautiful place and beautiful people make my job easy!
Had a great time guys and looking forward to coming back up for a play day with the Steph and Gabby!
Happy Birthday Martha!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

The words below are from a post a couple of months ago. I'm bringing it back out for this weekend. Thank you to the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Thank you to the families who have had to go on with their lives after losing their loved ones. Thank you to the parents who raised up and are raising up children to be patriotic, to love their country, to stand up and show respect to our flag, and to have taught their children that, despite our problems, we live in the greatest country in the world.
Thank you for those who gave all and thank you to the men and women who are serving even now. We Salute You! God Bless You All!
daryl, steph, and gabby rei

This is an old ad, but I saw it today and it touched me the same way it did when I first saw it.
Irregardless of your views on military policy, we all need to agree and understand that our military is just doing their job. They stand for the idea that you can disagree with what they do. They stand for the idea that you can speak out against our government and not go to prison. They stand for our freedom to think for ourselves. My brother and his wife proudly serve our country and I am very proud of what they do. My brother-in-law is a Doctor in the Army. He has served in Afghanistan attached to the Special Forces and I am very proud of his service to our country.
So, thank you to all of our military personnel. Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force, National Guard, and the Coast Guard. Thank you for your sacrifice of time spent away from families.
Thank you.