Saturday, March 24, 2007

Zach and Melissa

We had an wonderful time at Zach and Melissa's wedding. Truly beautiful ceremony and beautiful couple. Everything was perfect.
thanks and blessings,

Cade W., Welcome to the World!!!

Had a Blast taking pictures of Doug and Camden's son, Cade. He is too cute. Thanks guys had a lot of fun. I just realized that the pictures I put on here has him asleep in all of them. He was awake for some of them. We let sleeping babies sleep when they like. They are still beautiful when they sleep, so we just keep snapping away! :-)

Thanks guys,

Kenya, Africa Mission Trip

Wow! Been a slight delay since my last posting. All of you parents out there understand the reasoning for that. Up every 3 to 4 hours to feed and change Gabrielle. Steph and I alternate turns. Yet, it takes a little getting used to at first. So, the past few weeks have been doing what absolutely had to be done. Quick update. Everyone is doing great! Steph has recovered quite well. Gabby is growing and yes, she does have me already wrapped! God has blessed me with two beautiful women.

Kenya 2007

orphans in Mathare Valley

I just finished up an overnight retreat for the mission trip that I will be involved in May 28th-June 9th. We will be doing medical work and outreach work in the Mathare Valley in Nairobi, Kenya and Book of Hope distribution in schools, churches, and prisons in Kakamega, Kenya.
Resident's in the Mathare Valley number 250,000 plus...Raw Sewage runs in open trenches. Children sniff glue to take away hunger pains. This valley is a shanty-town that reeks of death.
The pictures below are from this slum. AIDS/HIV has ravished this country. Thousands of orphans live in this area because they have no where else. They scavenge the trash heaps for food and drink water from sewage filled open trenches that run down the center of the streets and alleys there.
Yet there is HOPE. A person could feel overwhelmed with the tremendous need and a feeling of helplessness could numb you into inaction. Mother Theresa was asked if she thought she could feed all of the hungry people and she responded with this quote, "If you can't feed one hundred people, then feed just one." That is what we will be doing. We will be ministering medically and personally to as many as we can. We will also be partnering with the Book of Hope, The Book of Hope is a form of the Bible delivered in a way to relevantly reach children. Each age group of children receives a book that is designed for their age and level of understanding. This is an excellent organization that has distributed 429, 453, 460 books worldwide as of 4:30 PM EST on March 24, 2007. ( They have a running counter on their website, hence the exactness of the previous sentence. :-)!! ) Also, I would like to thank Jason for flying in from South Florida to be with us during our retreat and help us out with alot of training. Thanks Jason and good luck with your wedding with Autumn. Check out their site they truly are doing an amazing thing around the world! We will do all that we can because this is not about us but about reaching out to a hurting world, one person at a time.
The group I'm going with is being sent out from First Assembly of God from Concord, NC. This is my home church. There are ten of us that will be joining in with local missionary teams to do all that we can. We will also be going into local schools doing dramas, puppets, testifying to our friend, Jesus' power in our lives, and distributing the Book of Hope.
Be in prayer with us for our team as we prepare over the next ten weeks. Also, pray for me as I prepare. We will be facing alot of poverty and human pain. We have to be mentally and spiritually ready to face the people and give them an encouraging word and communicate hope.
Lastly, if this strikes a chord in your heart and you understand the need for our trip. You can help financially. This trip is done solely through individual finances and the help of friends and family. If you desire to help, please contact me through email or phone or you can send your help to this address:
daryl brewton
704 East Centerview Street
China Grove, NC 28023
The cost of this trip is $3000 per person. The accomodations will be a bed to sleep on in one city and the floors of a church in another. We are hoping bed mats will be provided to soften it up just a little. We are only carrying one checked suitcase and one carry-on bag. The reason for this is to allow for all of the medical supplies that we are bringing in with our team. So, it's not a vacation but a working trip that I am excited and fortunate to be able to part of this team.
To the people that have responded to the financial need, thank you. $750 of the needed $3000 has been donated. Thank You! I'm not worried about the additional needs, I know it will be provided for either through other people or through our business. This small factor is in God's hands and Stephanie and I know that it will be provided at the right time.
As the next ten weeks proceed, I will post occasionally about the trip. While I am in Kenya, I will have the ability to get to the internet for a few days of the trip and I will try my best to post and keep everyone up to date.
Also, thanks to Mark Montgomery at for the space he is providing for offsite storage of photographs. This will allow me to upload pictures while I am in Africa to a place on the internet which will be an extra backup to the images that I will be taking while on the trip. Just an extra form of insurance in case something was to happen to the physical images that will be stored with me. Thanks Mark, You are Awesome!
Above all, prayer for us leading up to and while we are there is the most important help that can be given.
Thanks and God Bless.